程伊兵(Perry Cheng),男,中国音乐学院作曲系电子音乐教研室主任,副教授,硕士研究生导师。中国音乐家协会数字化音乐教育学会理事、中国音乐家协会电子音乐学会理事。“[513教室]电子乐团”创始人。
Perry Cheng (程伊兵), associate professor, department of Compose, China Conservatory of Music. The founder of [Classroom 513] e-LIVE ORCHESTRA .
He graduated from China Conservatory of Music in 1991. While study music psychology for his master degree he had began his career as a teacher. Now as the tutor of the graduate and undergraduate students, his research fields including composing of computer music / electric music, technical theory such as sound synthesis, and education theory.
His main works as shown below including:
Books (Chinese):
The Application and Technical Theory of MIDI , The Basic of Sound Synthesis , Training Exercises of MIDI Technique
Translation (English to Chinese)
PART IV Sound Analysis of Computer Music Tutorial
Contemporary Music Works including
Interactive Multimedia Music:
A Game of Rule , C alligraphy Music
Electronic Music for Live Stage:
My Students – A Collection of Morphed Piano Sound